Step Up & Take Control of Your Future

Our 12-Week Course commences in...

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Transform Your Business In 12 Weeks

Business Accelerator

What's Included?

  • Online Platform

    12 easy-to-follow modules, guiding you to assess and improve the key areas of your business & track your progress online. Video, theory, templates & recommended reading; yours to keep.

  • Weekly Live Coaching

    You'll receive 1 hour per week of professional live coaching to discuss each weekly module, discuss challenges, brainstorm new opportunities & stay accountable.

  • Book & Workbook

    My gift to you is a copy of my e-book, 'What's Your Plan?', plus our Business Masterclass Workbook to help you brainstorm & implement your learning throughout this course and beyond.

Develop Your Roadmap For Success

  • Plan For Success

    Great plans evolve.

    Planning is key. I will help you to develop and implement an effective 90 day plan that will support your vision, mission and ultimately business and life success.

  • Strengthen and secure your ideas

    Support and accountability is key.

    In our weekly live virtual check-ins, you'll have access to professional coach support for all your Q&A's, to help you navigate your challenges and brainstorm new ideas.

  • Step Up Your Education

    Learn before you earn.

    You'll gain immediate access to an abundance of practical tools, resources, templates and information to help you take your business from where it is now, to where you want it to be.

Through this program, you will assess the key functional areas of your business and receive professional coach guidance to implement strategies to help you grow.

  • Plan and build a successful business model

  • Leverage your business to work smarter, not harder

  • Increase cashflow

  • Develop systems and procedures

  • Improve time management

  • Become a better leader

  • Recruit a great team & ignite a powerful team culture

  • Step your business up to the next level

Now is your time to act!

If you want to transform your business over the next 12 weeks, don't hold back. Register now to secure your spot!

About Suzzanne

- Business Planning Specialist
- Award-Winning Business Coach
- Author of 'What's Your Plan?'

Hello, I'm Suzzanne Laidlaw, and I'm proud to be a leading expert in business planning.

My passion for this field has driven me to become a global leader in coaching business owners, CEOs, and executives to create fulfilling careers and lives that align with their aspirations.

As a business owner or manager, you understand the importance of staying ahead of the curve and continuously adapting to new challenges. That's why I'm here to guide you in thinking outside the box and developing innovative solutions that give you that competitive edge.

My goal then, as a coach is to empower my clients to take control of their lives and build successful businesses that support their goals and values. I firmly believe that success shouldn't come at the expense of a balanced and fulfilling life.

To achieve this, I offer a comprehensive range of services that include education, coaching, and strategic development. I help my clients to maximise efficiency by encouraging them to think outside the box and develop proactive, actionable steps towards their goals.

Through brainstorming, planning, and accountability, I work closely with my clients to develop personalised solutions that are tailored to their unique needs and circumstances. My approach is practical, results-driven, and geared towards unlocking the full potential of my clients.

With my guidance, my clients learn to prioritise their time and energy, streamline their efforts, and maximise their potential for success. Whether you're a startup or looking to take your business to the next level, I'm here to help you achieve your goals and create a fulfilling career that drives you forward.

Find out more about me at

100% Money Back Guarantee

If you don't find the value, we'll give you 100% of your investment back!

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Getting started...

  • 2

    2... Strategic Plan

  • 3

    3... Budgeting & Cashflow

    • Budgeting & Cashflow

  • 4

    4... Marketing

    • Marketing

  • 5

    5... Sales

    • Sales

  • 6

    6... Service & Delivery

    • Service & Delivery

  • 7

    7... Profitability

    • Profitability

  • 8

    8... Productivity

    • Productivity

  • 9

    9... People & Education

    • People & Education

  • 10

    10. Leadership & Direction

    • Leadership

  • 11

    11... Work-Life Balance

    • Wheel of Life

  • 12

    12... Celebrate Your Success!

    • Congratulations!